Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cleaning your enviornment!

As a cancer survivor, I now hear so much about enviornmental cancer. As I have mentioned before, I am on a mission to "change" my enviornment and the enviornnment for those that I love. I am personally starting in my own home.

The fastest growing group of cancer patients is kids and stay at home moms. Hmmmmm.
What is the common denominator? I feel it is the home. We moms with small kids are in the home more and we are constantly cleaning up. Now the question. What are we cleaning up with?

Did you know that the FDA has made it so that cleaning products do not have to list the ingredients? Or that the " fragrance" industry is exempt from telling you how they get those lovely smells and what they are made of? Scary!!!!

So, I have changed my home to natural cleaning products. I have found a company that will deliver natural cleaning products to my home. I buy everything on line and I love that I do not lug heavy bottles of laundry detergent anymore.

The company sells soaps, dishwashing soaps, laundry soaps, and all of the usual household cleaners with no toxic chemicals. I cannot believe how much better I feel. I used to get a headache after spraying Windex and now no side effects from cleaning.

Another disturbing fact is that I know a woman who cleans homes and her friends keep getting cancer and dying. These women are all under 50 years of age. What is the link? Guess what? They were all cleaning ladies!!!No one can prove it, but I would rather do what I can to avoid the problems.

If you want to know how to get your cleaning products delivered to your home that are actually cheaper than commercial products, e mail me at natasha@peakmodels.com
I will be happy to forward you the info that I have and you can get started shoppeing from your computer too.

ALl the best!
Natasha Duswalt

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